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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday. A time to worship, a time to rest.

Sundays are always bittersweet for me. They are a great day to spend with family, go to church and have fellowship, maybe even curl up under a blanket on the couch and watch a movie. But there is always the dreading of MONDAY. I try to be thankful for each and every day that God has given me however, Mondays can be a little difficult. Well enough about that M word and lets get back to today, SUNDAY!
Coming off of this long holiday weekend I am feeling a little more rested than most Sundays. The sad part is even though I have had four days off of work I have not gotten a thing accomplished around this house:(. Of course in June fashion I have said, "I will do that tomorrow". Well time is up! I must get up and get this house half way clean so that I can start the week off without that looming over my head.
This morning our family went to my childhood church. It is always like going home. We changed churches a couple of years back so that my children could have more youth to fellowship with. My previous church has unfortunately slowed in growth over the years, so there are very few youth there. However, my grandparents still attend that church. My daughter is 7 years old and does not have a shy bone in her body. Give her a microphone and an audience and it is on! She was invited to sing this morning at church and she was all for it! She sang "Down To The River To Pray" by Alison Krauss. She did really well and a lot of family had come to watch the big performance. Right before she went up to sing, the pastor had the morning prayer of which always ends in The Lord's Prayer. As we all started to speak in unison my little outgoing songbird Alli looks up at me and says loudly,
"They stole this from our church!" speaking of The Lord's Prayer. Never a dull moment with that one! She went on to sing beautifully and I am just a little proud. After church we went with some of the family that had come to watch the performance to lunch.
Now I am here again not doing what I need to be doing. But this is so much more fun! I guess I will get to work. The moral of my blog today is, 1.) enjoy your Sundays and don't waste them dreading Monday, 2.) don't put of till tomorrow what can be done today, 3.) The Lord's Prayer is used in a lot of churches, and 4.) no matter who, what, when or where you are asked to sing, SING!! Sing your heart out! It just may make some ones day. Happy Sunday friends!!!

"As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you originally planned.That's what you call GOD'S WILL."

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