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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do Not Be Afraid.......

Throughout our lives we are haunted by fear. Fear can be good. It can keep you from doing stupid, irresponsible things. It can give you an odd feeling when you are approaching a dangerous situation. When you are a child your parents can put fear in you really quick with discipline. I was never disciplined that I did not deserve it. And probably not disciplined as much as I should have been at times. That fear that accompanied discipline was to keep me safe from harm. So that I would learn what I should and should not do. I have repeated the same with my children. You want them to learn to not speak to strangers, look both ways when you cross the street, don't put things in your mouth that could harm you, etc. These are examples of good fear.
I am a God fearing woman. Do I sin? Of course I do. I am human like everyone else. However, I always have the fear of displeasing God. I grew up in a great church with an even better youth group and youth minister. You knew wrong from right. You knew the power of prayer. But most importantly you learned about the Bible and the importance of God's word. One example is below:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
                                                                   Joshua 1:9
This is a very powerful verse. In reading this should we be afraid or frightened? This verse clearly says to not be, just trust that God is with you always. Fear can be crippling. If we did one thing each and every day that we are afraid of then our lives could be totally different. Maybe we would stand up more for what we believe and not worry so much about what someone else thinks. Maybe we would speak to that stranger that is just wanting someone to talk to. What if we let fear keep us from asking out our significant other the first time? One of the best quotes ever is from the movie
We Bought A Zoo-
"All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and I promise you something great will come from it."
~Benjamin Mee
We Bought A Zoo
I love that. 20 seconds of insane courage could change your life! That could not be more true and really gives you a thought to ponder. I believe fear can be a gift in the right circumstances. I also believe that fear can hold you back from endless possibilities. So each and every day when you hold back from doing something you really want to do but fear takes over, remember Joshua 1:9 and quote from We Bought A Zoo. You will go further and see more than you ever imagined.
"It's better to look back on life and say: "I can't believe I did that." Than to look back and say: "I wish I did that."

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