Can't we all just get along?
Have you heard those words or said those words before? I know I sure have. These words are said often in many different scenarios. When your children fight, when you and your spouse don't quite see eye to eye, in politics between Republicans and Democrats trying to make a decision. I could go on and on with examples. However; will this ever happen? Do we want it to happen? My answer is no and I will explain why.
It seems a lot of hurt feelings have been in the McCreary household lately. Not just with the children, but the adults as well. I am really not a grudge holder. I tend to take and take, forgive and forgive and then all of the sudden one more thing happens and that is it! I don't know why people feel the need to bring others down. Is it their own unhappiness? Their insecurity? What is it? Have you ever had those friends, family, etc. that no matter how hard you try they will never like you? This use to bother me a lot. But not anymore. Because we cannot change the way someone else feels, or what someone else does. We can only change ourselves and our perception of things. We are the only things that we have control over. You know how I have admitted to being a quote-a-holic and there are certainly a lot that I could use right now for my feelings but there is one in particular that comes to mind, The Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Those are some very powerful and true words. My little Alli is seven and looks like she is twelve. Often people think that she should act a lot older than she actually is because of her appearance. She is also very intelligent. She was diagnosed with ADHD two years ago. Alli has always been one to dance to the beat of her own drum. She is who she is and it is your decision rather you take it or leave it. She can be very hard to handle at times. Very demanding with her friends because she is the leader and not the follower. She is also hilarious and you certainly never know what she is going to say or when or where she is going to say it. She has friends that love her just the way she is, with all her little unique quirks. But then there are girls that cannot understand her and can say very cruel things. Generally Alli let's things go which I admire about her. But every now and then the tears start and her little heart is broken. She feels left out. And has even said, "Mom why am I different, why can't I be like everyone else?". My response, "Because you are unique. God chose you to be special. It is easy to be like everyone else but it is very hard to be your own person. One day you are going to make your mark on this world. We don't know how but you will. And I love you for that and would not change a thing about you ever!".
Look at Einstein. People thought he was crazy. He was definitely different. But where would we be today without his brilliant mind and his quirks? Do I think this is going to be easy on Alli or me? Nope. Do I think it is worth the fight? Absolutely! I wish I was as secure as she is, as witty, as free willed, carefree, accepting and loving. We could all learn a lesson from her. I know I do each and every day. I just thank God that he chose me to be her mother and share with her all of the good things coming her way. Look out world here she comes!
"She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."
~Proverbs 31:25
I dread the days of Ella having her heartbroken. I don't think I'll be able to set back and not become mama bear. So sorry that Alli has faced this and especially at a young age. I love that advice you gave her, though!
ReplyDeleteThank you Elizabeth. Mama bear will come out. That is our job, to protect our children and keep them from harm. Unfortunately we are not around them 24/7 and things do happen. However, then they will learn how to defend themselves and become stronger, independant people because of it. But it certainly is anything but easy for a parent to deal with. You love them so much and you just want them happy.