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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Let's Talk!!!

As I sit here tonight I am reading many views of people, friends on face book about gun control. Of course this has come from the tragic events of 12/14/2012 where a man, no a boy took 27 lives, not counting his own, which in deed was a life on that fateful day. Yes I did a blog on this the other night but with a different purpose.
I do not like to blog on the negative. However, there is a lot of negative in America as well as the rest of the world at this time. It is my opinion, my view. Do you have to agree with me? NO. But if you are reading this then I hope you may take my view into consideration.
I am a mother. I would at any point of any day lay my life down for my children. We as parents want to protect our children in every aspect. From bullying, to their choices in life, to the clothes they wear. unfortunately we cannot be there at all times in their lives. All we as parents can do is try to set a foundation for them to know how to handle certain situations and completely trust in the Lord that they will be safe.
The tragic events of 12/14/2012 have turned from sympathy and grief across America to many other topics like gun control and what schools should and should not do to protect our children. I am an American, and I value my rights as an American, but do I believe that maybe GOD himself is trying to wake us Americans up? Do I believe that bad things, huge things happen to try to get our attention so that maybe changes will be made? I believe that God gives us many wake up calls and it is up to us to wake up or stay asleep in our own belief. I want to believe this is the United States of America however, this is the DIVIDED states of America. This saddens me beyond belief. If it is this bad now then what is it going to be like for my children as adults?
This evening I had an eye opening event. I was scrolling on face book and on my news feed was Emilie Parker's parents in an interview with Katie Couric. I had watched Emilie's father in a press conference the day after the shootings which was amazing, but this interview for me was life changing. These parents that lost their precious little girl, when asked by Katie Couric if they are mad at the shooter said NO!! They said no. Not only did they say no but they also stated how they could not imagine the place that he, the shooter, must of been in. The dark place that drove him to do this. They are not walling in self pity, they have compassion for the being that took their child's life. That is GOD'S work. That is faith. What would God do??? I as well as you know what God would do and these parents of this precious angel know what God would do and are able to feel empathy for the boy that took their daughters life.
To be honest that was almost to much to bare. How shallow am I? How selfish are we as Americans? As I have said in a previous blog, I generally am not a grudge holder. I don't even like the person I become when I am holding a grudge. To put it simply we cannot change anyone. All we can change is ourselves and how we react. I am now holding a grudge with someone. I feel she wronged me over and over. Finally I said enough! As the old saying goes, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Then I hear the Parker family speak. This boy has killed mercilessly their little girl, and they are not mad at him and even ask for prayer for him and his family. Suddenly everything came into perspective. These parents have faced the worst thing imaginable and can have forgiveness and empathy for this boy, and I cannot have the same over a petty situation?
Let me just end by saying again this has been a life changing event. Do I believe all of you should agree with me? NO! Do I believe that we all should have more of an open mind about things? YES! Do I believe in gun control? YES. I believe that we all should have the right to bare arms to protect ourselves, but I do not believe that anyone other than military has the right to assault weapons. Again that is my opinion and I know a lot disagree. However, please ask yourselves, "if this were your child that was killed by this type of gun in this setting would you still be for your guns?" I am not saying we are not entitled a reasonable gun that can protect you and your family. But to me there is no place for those types of assault weapons in a general household. I am so disappointed in people that I thought would totally change their views since this tragedy but have taken this opportunity to give their political stances. What would GOD want you to do??? We should ask ourselves.
"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others."
~Jacob M. Braude

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