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Thursday, December 20, 2012

2013 HERE I COME!!!

Well here it is December 20th, 2012. Do you know what that means? IT IS ALMOST NEW YEARS!! It is almost 2013. Which means it is almost time to make a New Year's resolution. I have made many of them. However, I am not sure that I have ever followed through with any of them. But this time, this time I have started this blog. It will hold me accountable. If I fail I want each of you to let me have it!! Well, don't yell at me cause I have never liked that so take your caps lock off. NO, NO leave your caps lock ON! I can handle it.
OK. So here it goes. My 2013 New Year's Resolutions are:
1.) Live a healthier lifestyle.
This means eat well, exercise, take more time for myself and my health. (original resolution huh? I am sure nobody has used that one).
2.) Each week do at least one thing from all of my pins on Pinterest. Whether it be a recipe, craft, decor, etc.
I have probably 3000 pins and have actually completed 2. But you just wait. I will be completely honest about the turnout of each pin, like a Pinterest FBI agent. Hmmmmm, impressive. Now how would that look on a resume?
 All of this is pending whether I survive the Apocalypse or not. I will know by day after tomorrow if there is a day after tomorrow.
To sum it up, I am going to eat ANYTHING I want through Christmas. I mean come on, should anyone diet through Christmas? And I am going to continue to pin on Pinterest like a mad woman without completing one project. Then come 1/1/2013 look out world here I come. Now if I fail don't judge me:(. This should be a lot of fun and hopefully my body and house will look fantastic! I will post pic's.........of my Pinterest projects that is, not my body:). If any of you have any suggestions for either of my resolutions please share. I need the help! Oh and if you want to follow me on Pinterest it is under June Hix-McCreary.
"If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you."
~Fred Devito


  1. Good luck! I haven't quite figured out what Pinterest is about.... maybe I'll learn something following along with you!

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  2. Hi Pam. Yes we will learn Pinterest together, lol. I get so into pinning all of these great ideas and never get around to doing any of them. But I am challenging myself to tackle it! That should be easier than the dieting thing anyway.

    Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope it brings wonderful things your way!!

