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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Today YOU are YOU that is truer than true.


First of all let me say that I LOVE Dr. Seuss. For those of you that have never read his stories or quotes you are missing out because he was one wise man. Now onto my post for today.........
I drive to work one hour each way every day. Not to mention all of the traveling I do from office to office within a day most of the time. The long drive can get on my nerves especially in Lexington traffic. However, I find I do my best thinking and mind cleansing in my car, by myself, listening to my music.
I am sure most of you have figured out by now that I am a deep thinker. However, it is not often that my daydreaming and deep thoughts suddenly all come together and make sense and make me feel so much better. Like all of the sudden if you were looking at me you would see a little light bulb light up beside my head like in the cartoons. Well that happened this morning.
I returned to work today January 2nd after 5 days off. I did not get a thing accomplished that I had planned over my little vacation, but rather had more quality time with my family of which trumps everything. The house, closets, laundry, etc. can wait and if there is one thing I have learned in my 36 years is that the "mess" is not going anywhere. Naturally I did not look forward to returning to work having to give up lounging in my pj's all day, sleeping in late, no makeup, you know all the good stuff that comes with vacations. But it was time to return. As I was driving to work I was going over many things in my busy mind. I have had a lot on my mind lately about a certain situation that just seems to keep getting worse and worse. I am a blunt person. I am sure I can come across too blunt at times. At the same time I am the type of person that does not like to hurt any ones feelings. I do not like for people to be mad at me and if I have done something to you that would hurt your feelings I want to know so that hopefully I can right the wrong. There are a handful of people that have hurt me deeply in one way or another and I have no space for them or the bad feelings I get from them in my life. I forgive them, as God would want me to, but I don't forget the grief they have caused me. I don't let my guard down. I am the type of person that will take and take and forgive and forgive and eventually enough is enough. Unfortunately this situation is one of those types of situations.
I had really put everything in the back of my mind and decided that I needed to just wash my hands of it all and move on. Unfortunately that is not the same of the other side which once again made all of those bad feelings come back and brought forth the "me" that I do not like to be. So this morning I am driving and the beautiful sun was shining in which felt nice. All of a sudden it came to me........I AM WHO I AM!!! Why am I wasting my energy that can be given to so much more and wasting it on a petty ridiculous situation? I cannot change what someone thinks of me, nor can I make someone like me or agree with me. God made us all different and unique in our own way. As long as I have a good feeling in my heart of my values and beliefs than why should I change for anyone? Why should I allow someone to take up so much of my time for nothing? I tell my children all the time to make their own paths. Be their own person. If people choose to like them and want to be their friend and be a part of their life than great! But if they choose not to be that is OK too. I do not want them to change their morals, values, and beliefs for anyone. As long as they know they are good people in their heart and are good with God than they are where they need to be in life.
If I can preach this to them then why can't I do the same myself? I am 36 for crying out loud. Why should I care if someone likes me or not? I do not mean for this to sound cold. Quite the opposite. I just think that as human beings we crave acceptance. From the time we are born we want to fit in. We want to be loved, but the harsh truth is we will not always fit in and not everyone will love us or even like us no matter what we do. And you know what, that is OK!! The only sad part to that is THEY are missing out on a pretty good person and friend. Be who you are, stand up for what you believe in, walk tall, remain humble, always remember and stay true to your roots, be kind, smile, laugh, LAUGH OFTEN, and enjoy life my friends. It's the only one we get, better not take advantage of it!

5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Happy New Year everyone!! We have made it to see another year. We survived December 21st!! A lot of people would consider the number 13 unlucky but for me it is generally a lucky number and I hope the year 2013 brings a lot of good luck!
New Year's 2012 @ Dollywood
The beginning of a new year and end to another is always bitter sweet for me. I am sad that yet another year has come and gone and amazed at how fast time flies by. At the same time happy with the feeling of a fresh start hoping that the new year will be better than the last.
2012 was a very good year for me and my family. We redecorated our house, purchased rental property, joined a new church, I started a new job as well as my husband, Parker started middle school, Alli started cheering on a cheer team, Mason (the dog) has calmed down.......well I will stop there because I was getting a little carried away. Mason is still crazy as ever but the rest is true. All in all 2012 has been a year of exciting first and brought a long needed deep cleansing breath. It always feels like we are running in place and going nowhere. Or climbing a very steep mountain and just when you think you are in your grove you lose your footing and slide back down. Believe me I am not getting too greedy in my happiness of 2012 as I know all too well life is a roller coaster. I am very thankful for the blessings bestowed on us in 2012.
That being said 2013 has big shoes to fill. Hopefully we have started a good foundation and can just build on it. Positive thinking right! I am trying to take life one day at a time. All we are guaranteed is now. I want to slow down this year and take time to notice the small things. These "small" things aren't small at all. They are memories that are just that, memories. My kids get bigger every time I look at them. I get older every time I look at me:(. My body feels it too. Therefore, I need to slow down and take more time for my health as well. I am not getting any younger. I am one that does not like to make new year's resolutions. I do not make them because I don't want to let myself down if or when I don't follow through with them. However, this year I am making these resolutions. I need to be accountable therefore I am putting it out there, in writing! And hopefully I can look back on 2013 with an even bigger smile than 2012!
Throughout this post I am enclosing pictures of special memories in 2012. And here are some more:
 Parker getting his baseball trophy and was photo bombed by his friend Justin, lol.
My little Cheer Cat.
My BFF Ellen came in from Virginia Beach for a visit. We always have so much fun together, maybe too much:).
Mason going for his check up. Seat belts are the law!
Alli at her back to school night for the start of her 2nd grade year.
Parker, on the tracks fixing to start middle school:(.
Alli at her first cheer performance.

Mine and Jimmy's fifteenth wedding anniversary. We were going on a date.
Girls day out.
Jimmy turned 40. Or according to the cake 624!
Fall break in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Can you tell we like it there?
The kids outside the Pancake Pantry in Gatlinburg. Our favorite place for breakfast!
Parker at our family reunion.
A collage of me in 2012. We will see how much I age in the coming year:(.
These are just a few pictures of course. There is nothing like a picture to freeze a moment in time.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope it is everything you wish for and more!!
And I quote.......
"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you are wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."
                                        ~Neil Gaiman











Saturday, December 22, 2012

SHOP TILL YOU DROP, literally!

OK. So my husband and I are fixing to head out for last minute Christmas shopping. I know I have mentioned the fact that I hate to shop and I hate crowds, but I feel it is better to wait until the crowd is the largest and craziest it can be.........(sarcasm).
We normally end up in a huge fight and by the time we arrive home we are not speaking. I will keep you posted on how this goes. I may even include some pics. We are planning on starting the day of at the Windy Corner Market and Cafe. I have heard a lot of great things about it. I will keep you posted on that as well.
Usually a shopping trip ends with a threaten of divorce, we will see. We have been married for 15 going on 16 years. The threat of divorce is immeasurable. That is what makes us stronger, HA! Seriously, he is my best friend we are just so opposite. But that is the recipe for success.
Wish me the best of luck and I hope everyone has a very happy Saturday! Just a few days left till Christmas. Make as many wonderful memories with your family possible. This year for Santa Alli and I will be making the "original recipe" Nestle Toll house Cookies like my momma use to make. Should be interesting. I will keep ya posted on that too!
Happy Shopping Everyone!!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

2013 HERE I COME!!!

Well here it is December 20th, 2012. Do you know what that means? IT IS ALMOST NEW YEARS!! It is almost 2013. Which means it is almost time to make a New Year's resolution. I have made many of them. However, I am not sure that I have ever followed through with any of them. But this time, this time I have started this blog. It will hold me accountable. If I fail I want each of you to let me have it!! Well, don't yell at me cause I have never liked that so take your caps lock off. NO, NO leave your caps lock ON! I can handle it.
OK. So here it goes. My 2013 New Year's Resolutions are:
1.) Live a healthier lifestyle.
This means eat well, exercise, take more time for myself and my health. (original resolution huh? I am sure nobody has used that one).
2.) Each week do at least one thing from all of my pins on Pinterest. Whether it be a recipe, craft, decor, etc.
I have probably 3000 pins and have actually completed 2. But you just wait. I will be completely honest about the turnout of each pin, like a Pinterest FBI agent. Hmmmmm, impressive. Now how would that look on a resume?
 All of this is pending whether I survive the Apocalypse or not. I will know by day after tomorrow if there is a day after tomorrow.
To sum it up, I am going to eat ANYTHING I want through Christmas. I mean come on, should anyone diet through Christmas? And I am going to continue to pin on Pinterest like a mad woman without completing one project. Then come 1/1/2013 look out world here I come. Now if I fail don't judge me:(. This should be a lot of fun and hopefully my body and house will look fantastic! I will post pic's.........of my Pinterest projects that is, not my body:). If any of you have any suggestions for either of my resolutions please share. I need the help! Oh and if you want to follow me on Pinterest it is under June Hix-McCreary.
"If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you."
~Fred Devito

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Let's Talk!!!

As I sit here tonight I am reading many views of people, friends on face book about gun control. Of course this has come from the tragic events of 12/14/2012 where a man, no a boy took 27 lives, not counting his own, which in deed was a life on that fateful day. Yes I did a blog on this the other night but with a different purpose.
I do not like to blog on the negative. However, there is a lot of negative in America as well as the rest of the world at this time. It is my opinion, my view. Do you have to agree with me? NO. But if you are reading this then I hope you may take my view into consideration.
I am a mother. I would at any point of any day lay my life down for my children. We as parents want to protect our children in every aspect. From bullying, to their choices in life, to the clothes they wear. unfortunately we cannot be there at all times in their lives. All we as parents can do is try to set a foundation for them to know how to handle certain situations and completely trust in the Lord that they will be safe.
The tragic events of 12/14/2012 have turned from sympathy and grief across America to many other topics like gun control and what schools should and should not do to protect our children. I am an American, and I value my rights as an American, but do I believe that maybe GOD himself is trying to wake us Americans up? Do I believe that bad things, huge things happen to try to get our attention so that maybe changes will be made? I believe that God gives us many wake up calls and it is up to us to wake up or stay asleep in our own belief. I want to believe this is the United States of America however, this is the DIVIDED states of America. This saddens me beyond belief. If it is this bad now then what is it going to be like for my children as adults?
This evening I had an eye opening event. I was scrolling on face book and on my news feed was Emilie Parker's parents in an interview with Katie Couric. I had watched Emilie's father in a press conference the day after the shootings which was amazing, but this interview for me was life changing. These parents that lost their precious little girl, when asked by Katie Couric if they are mad at the shooter said NO!! They said no. Not only did they say no but they also stated how they could not imagine the place that he, the shooter, must of been in. The dark place that drove him to do this. They are not walling in self pity, they have compassion for the being that took their child's life. That is GOD'S work. That is faith. What would God do??? I as well as you know what God would do and these parents of this precious angel know what God would do and are able to feel empathy for the boy that took their daughters life.
To be honest that was almost to much to bare. How shallow am I? How selfish are we as Americans? As I have said in a previous blog, I generally am not a grudge holder. I don't even like the person I become when I am holding a grudge. To put it simply we cannot change anyone. All we can change is ourselves and how we react. I am now holding a grudge with someone. I feel she wronged me over and over. Finally I said enough! As the old saying goes, "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." Then I hear the Parker family speak. This boy has killed mercilessly their little girl, and they are not mad at him and even ask for prayer for him and his family. Suddenly everything came into perspective. These parents have faced the worst thing imaginable and can have forgiveness and empathy for this boy, and I cannot have the same over a petty situation?
Let me just end by saying again this has been a life changing event. Do I believe all of you should agree with me? NO! Do I believe that we all should have more of an open mind about things? YES! Do I believe in gun control? YES. I believe that we all should have the right to bare arms to protect ourselves, but I do not believe that anyone other than military has the right to assault weapons. Again that is my opinion and I know a lot disagree. However, please ask yourselves, "if this were your child that was killed by this type of gun in this setting would you still be for your guns?" I am not saying we are not entitled a reasonable gun that can protect you and your family. But to me there is no place for those types of assault weapons in a general household. I am so disappointed in people that I thought would totally change their views since this tragedy but have taken this opportunity to give their political stances. What would GOD want you to do??? We should ask ourselves.
"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others."
~Jacob M. Braude

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Believe There Are Angels Among Us.

As I sit here today writing this post I, same as many others have all kinds of emotions rushing through me. This past Thursday and Friday I filled in for a OBGYN within our organization. My plan was to blog about being a part of some peoples most joyous times of their life. I am still going to do that but with a somewhat different purpose.
This OBGYN office is located in an adjoining building as my OBGYN office. I have to go to these buildings several times a week as it is part of my job. Each time I walk across the catwalk and into these buildings same as I did several times 11 and 7 years ago during the pregnancies of my babies. Seems like yesterday. The buildings look and smell the same. I had horrible pregnancies and felt just awful but I would go back and relive them in a minute. The overwhelming excitement you feel in anticipation of the birth of your baby. You just cannot wait till you can hear your babies heartbeat or possibly get a glimpse of them through ultrasound.

This week I got to witness a lot of soon to be mommies and daddy's. You can just see the excitement and fear in their eyes. The moms generally are grinning from ear to ear and the dads are nervous. I got to be in on the first ultrasounds of two couples that got to find out the sex of their baby. Again I was overcome with the memories of these very moments with my own. These couples are just getting started.

Parker and I in the hospital.
 At the same time as I was filling in on Friday 12/14/12 for this doctor and being with women that were bringing new life into this world, a evil being was taking several innocent children in Connecticut out of this world. It is so hard to even wrap my mind around this horrific tragedy that has unfolded. One 20 year old man forever changed the lives of 20 children's families and 6 adults families. He single handily took these innocent lives in a school where children go to learn and socially grow. Where teachers and administrators are working diligently to give these children an education and safe learning environment. Not to mention taking his own mothers life and then turning the gun on himself. It has since been a fog and everyone you meet seems to be in shock. Everyone with the same question, WHY??? How can anyone do this? What happened to this person that could cause him to do something so unimaginable? When I decided to do a blog I did it with the intent of being able to chronicle different events in my families lives so that memories would not be lost. Unfortunately this is not a memory that any of us want to have, but it is indeed one that will forever change our lives in some way. What is this world coming to?
Parker and Alli

One thing I know for sure is I am sitting here right now with my little7 year old daughters head in my lap while she is sleeping and listening to my son giggling in his room while he is playing a game. None of us know why this tragedy unfolded but I do know that I am so very blessed. We have no guarantee of tomorrow. All we have is now! Unfortunately it can take something so awful to make you stop and realize how truly lucky you are. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those families that will not be able to have these moments with their loved ones again. May God give them comfort and peace. We all need to remind ourselves regularly to slow down and take nothing for granted for in a second it can all be taken away.

Alli's little feet (above) and little hands.
"Children are precious gifts sent from heaven."